Can yoga do more harm than good?

On average, yoga is as dangerous to injury as any other sport, associate professor Evangelos Pappas said of the findings. Yoga is beneficial for the most part, however, there is a higher risk of injury than we previously thought, because previous studies thought it was around 1 to 2.5 percent. But according to a new study from the University of Sydney, it can also result in an injury. Researchers found that yoga caused musculoskeletal pain, mainly in the arms, in more than 10 percent of participants and, even more worryingly, exacerbated 21 percent of existing injuries.

Certain Postures May Do More Harm Than Good for People with Osteoporosis. This is because posture increases injury to soft tissue and bones and can even cause muscle strain. People who experience knee, neck, hip and back pain belong to a high-risk group. Postures, which include the supported head position, also known as Salamba Sirsasana, the bridge and the downward dog posture, have been linked to osteoporosis, since they involve extending or flexing the spinal cord (.

But a growing body of medical evidence supports Black's claim that, for many people, several commonly taught yoga poses are inherently risky. The first reports of yoga injuries appeared decades ago, published in some of the world's most respected journals, including Neurology, The British Medical Journal and The Journal of the American Medical Association. The problems ranged from relatively minor injuries to permanent disabilities. In one case, a university student, after more than a year of doing yoga, decided to intensify his practice.

He sat upright on his heels in a kneeling position known as vajrasana for hours a day, singing for world peace. He soon experienced difficulty walking, running, and climbing stairs. In 1972, a leading neurophysiologist from Oxford, W. Ritchie Russell, published an article in The British Medical Journal arguing that, although rare, some yoga postures threatened to cause strokes even in relatively young and healthy people.

Russell discovered that brain injuries arose not only from direct trauma to the head, but also from rapid movements or excessive extensions of the neck, such as whiplash or certain yoga postures. Normally, the neck can stretch backwards 75 degrees, forward 40 degrees and sideways 45 degrees, and can rotate about its axis about 50 degrees. Yoga practitioners tend to move their vertebrae much further. An intermediate student can easily turn their neck 90 degrees, almost twice the normal rotation.

Extreme head and neck movements, Russell warned, could injure vertebral arteries, cause clots, swelling and constriction, and eventually wreak havoc on the brain. The basilar artery, which arises from the junction of the two vertebral arteries and forms a wide duct at the base of the brain, was of particular concern. It feeds structures such as the protuberance (which plays a role in breathing), the cerebellum (which coordinates muscles), the occipital lobe on the outside of the brain (which converts eye impulses into images) and the thalamus (which transmits sensory messages to the external brain). Reductions in blood flow to the basilar artery are known to cause a variety of strokes.

They rarely affect language and conscious thinking (often said to be located in the frontal cortex), but they can seriously damage the body's central machinery and sometimes be deadly. Most patients who suffer such a stroke recover most of the functions. But in some cases, headaches, imbalance, dizziness, and difficulty performing fine movements persist for years. Russell also worries that when strokes hit yoga practitioners, doctors won't be able to track.

Brain damage, he wrote, “may be delayed, perhaps to appear during the next night, and this delay of a few hours distracts attention from the previous precipitating factor. In recent years, reformers in the yoga community have begun to address the problem of yoga-induced harm. In a 2003 article in Yoga Journal, Carol Krucoff, a yoga instructor and therapist who works at the Center for Integrative Medicine at Duke University in North Carolina, revealed her own struggles. She talked about being filmed one day for national television and after being urged to do more, lifting one foot, grabbing her big toe and stretching her leg in the extended pose from hand to big toe.

As his leg straightened, he felt a sick burst in his hamstring. The next day, I could barely walk. Krucoff needed physical therapy and a year of recovery before he could fully extend his leg again. Yoga Journal editor Kaitlin Quistgaard described how she had re-injured a broken rotator cuff in a yoga class.

Almost a year after meeting Glenn Black at his master class in Manhattan, I received an email from him telling me that he had undergone spinal surgery. According to new research by researchers at the University of Sydney, the practice of yoga could do more harm than good for some participants. Yoga is an ancient Indian form of spiritual practice that involves a series of body postures, deep breathing techniques, and balance of mind and body. The study was published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.

The Times reported that health professionals discovered that the penetrating heat of Bikram yoga, for example, could increase the risk of overstretching, muscle damage and cartilage tears. I spoke to Holger Cramer, the director of yoga research at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, for a broader review of the scientific evidence on yoga. So now that we have listed the various problems associated with yoga that have not yet entered the realm of common knowledge, what can we do about them?. That's why it's essential to know the disadvantages of yoga to prevent any injury.

The trick to doing postures safely and avoiding the disadvantages of yoga is to never force the body to do more than it can handle. After class, I asked Black about his approach to teaching yoga, the emphasis on maintaining only a few simple postures, the absence of common investments such as standing head and shoulders. For starters, consider joining yoga classes with reputable professionals rather than just, you know, doing YouTubing. In addition, the disadvantages of yoga exercises extend to people who are still recovering from recent medical treatment or surgery.

This reinforces the already dominant message that yoga is about increasing flexibility and learning to do physically challenging postures. These cases may seem extremely rare, but surveys by the Consumer Product Safety Commission showed that the number of yoga-related emergency room admissions, after years of slow increases, was increasing rapidly. Discussions about pre-existing pain, especially in the upper extremities, with physical therapists and yoga instructors, can help adapt the yoga regimen for each individual, Pappas explained and postures could be modified for maximum benefit. Yoga has become so popular thanks to its ability to improve overall well-being, flexibility and reduce stress.

Associate Professor Evangelos Pappas, author of the study, said this study showed that, just like any other sport could be dangerous for injury, yoga is also dangerous for injury. . .

Mitch Milch
Mitch Milch

Professional travel junkie. Subtly charming travel scholar. Typical pop cultureaholic. Friendly tv practitioner. Proud beer lover.

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